Eye of the Falcon
Environmental Science Curriculum for Middle and High School Students
The Eye of the Falcon is an interdisciplinary environmental science curriculum for middle and high school students that utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing data, and satellite tracking of wildlife to teach core concepts in the life sciences and to involve students in cutting-edge scientific research and technology. The curriculum draws from a wide range of fields, including ecology, animal behavior, social studies, and geography, and raises awareness about local and global environmental issues. Eye of the Falcon brings environmental science to life as students are engaged in authentic, ongoing research projects and are challenged to use their research results to solve real-life conservation issues.
More About Eye of the Falcon
Bringing Eye of the Falcon to Your School
Participating Schools
What Are We Tracking?
Why Use Animal Tracking in Education?
What Students and Teachers Have to Say
Download an Eye of the Falcon (EOF) curriculum outline that describes how EOF addresses the national education standards.
Download an EOF Sample Unit
Contact us about EOF